
Virtuous Holidays

We're getting into the holiday spirit at Virtuous Pie!

The holidays are a time to connect, reflect on the past year, and spend time with loved ones. For us, a core part of that includes sharing delicious meals.


Back for its regularly scheduled programming, the Holiday Pizza is making its appearance on our menus this month.

Think Holiday dinner, in plant-based, pizza form: Miso Gravy Base, Cranberry Herbed Stuffing, Rosemary Chicken, Potato Cream Drizzle, + Cranberry Sauce


$1 from each Holiday Pie sold will be donated to an organization from each community we’re in.

Vancouver Chinatown: Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House

UBC Wesbrook: Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

Victoria: Our Place Society

Portland: Equitable Giving Circle


The holiday flavours don’t stop there – we’ve also got your ice cream and drink needs covered for the season.

apple crumble Ice Cream:

Made from a coconut and cashew base, our Apple Crumble ice cream combines cinnamon and nutmeg with swirls of Apple Caramel and Cinnamon Oat Crumble folded throughout.

hot apple cider

Spiced apple cider served warm, perfect for chilly winter days.

Pizza + Ice Cream Vancouver + Victoria + Portland